This will be updated constantly



☆ intruder or vhs!
✎ ﹏ apagender, aroacespec
(mostly androg-aligned)

system with 12 (active) alters﹕ as well as adhd, depression, and unlisted disorders
bodily a minor!! (14-17)

५ 𓂃 artists and authors
〹 we love meeting new people, but please IWCare!!
( This has a lot of text, I'm so sorry about that dude. )


Click their photo for their infopage :P





Discord: 90sVHS

✦ Our timezone is MST. (UTC−7)✦ We say some (reclaimable) slurs on occasion specifically the F slur.

✦ We make crude, KYS/KMS, and your mom/dad jokes often.

✦ Some of us have typing quirks that can be hard to read (ex. HELL0, MY N4ME 1S J0N4H!). Please tell us if you want us to stop, we will!

✦ We may go quiet if the conversation gets awkward.

✦ Sensitive to uncontrollable bright lights that take up the entire screen. It hurts our eyes.

✦ We're terrible at picking up on social cues.

✦ It can take us a while to warm up to new people, please be patient with us.

✦ We can go non-verbal in groups of 3+, especially if we don't know the other people.

✦ We might struggle with reading certain fonts, but we won't tell you to not use them.

✦ Our DNI lists will fluctuate depending on the alter. If you're friends with one but fit in another's DNI, they won't interact with you.


(Boundaries too)

· We block, unfriend, and ignore freely. We do not owe you anything.

· If you fit in the basic DNI criteria.
· If you're an old friend and we ended on bad terms.· If you're 18 and over or 12 and under, unless you're already a friend or we know you IRL.· If you add us just to fakeclaim/shit on us.· Do not ask us to show our face, or post it online without permission or a cover.· Flirting (as a joke) is fine, but please don't make any romantic advances, unless an alter makes it clear it's okay.

· Please don't add us if you're not willing to talk to us. After a while you'll just get unadded.
Close friends are the only exception to this.

· We have a stutter and don't like talking for this reason, please don't force us to talk in VC.
· Be honest with us, tell us if we make you uncomfortable or break your boundaries and we'll try not to do it again.


★ A traumagenic, fictive-heavy system. We take extreme comfort in media.

★ Most of us are okay with doubles, sourcemates, and source talk, we won't tell you to DNI.
Some of our headmates don't like being reminded of their source. It's better to ask before talking about it.

★ Please don't pressure us to remember something or know you.

★ Some of us can sound rude and indifferent unless we're close.

★ Our boundaries fluctuate between each alter. If you don't know, just ask, or check their pronouns page.
★ We have mild dissociative amnesia and might forget who you are or other important things. Please don't be mad if we do.

★ We're scared of people due to previous experiences. Interaction is welcome however. (Once we become comfortable we're really chill :3)
Collective Interests !